

It all starts with pollen

At Sol Gardens, we are rich in pollen.  From our natural areas to our vegetable gardens, pollen is found everywhere.  We also grow many varieties of open pollinated vegetables, so we need pollinators to ensure a good harvest.  Our honey bees do much of this super important work and in doing so provide us with rich, beautiful honey.

Because we cannot be experts on everything, we contract a local friend and beekeeper to manage our hives and we, in turn, have first rights to honey from our property.  Just because we do not manage them doesn't mean we don't keep a close eye on them.  No chemicals are used and bees are tended "organically", though they aren't USDA Certified Organic.  Our 20 acre property is completely USDA Certified Organic, but we can't tell our bees where to fly or what pollen to harvest.  We can say with confidence that there is plenty of natural and safe pollen right in the bees backyard, so they don't have to fly far.

Our honey is harvested completely naturally from the hives, spun, packaged, and ready to purchase.  No additives what so ever. We just don't need them.

We currently sell our honey direct to consumer from the farm.  Please get in touch if interested.